Sunday, November 6, 2011

Introducing... Afro-Media Literacy Education

Afro-Media Literacy Education (AMLE)
A burgeoning theory and practice designed to mentally liberate, culturally heal and reeducate Black and non-Black youth, adults, seniors, educators and professionals working with Black youth in our media saturated society. Pioneered by Shani Byard, Ed.D., Afro-Media Literacy Education is a contemporary professional development educational framework that humbly blends African-Centered pedagogy with Critical Media, Critical Literacy and Critical Race theories, pedagogies and practices, and intergenerational learning infused with critical thinking, creative expression and digital literacy. AMLE is the foundation for the principles and methodologies engrained in the professional development programs and trainings provided by Message Media Ed – School of Black Leadership in the Digital Age, located in Los Angeles, Ca. Please read about our AMLE framework and services here!educational-framework

1 comment:

Clint said...

I like this. Definitely moving in the right direction. Strong content and focus. AMLE is a great creation.